Novice House League Evaluations, News, Novice House League, 2015-2016 (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 15, 2015 | Todd Gimblett | 2456 views
Novice House League Evaluations
Welcome to another hockey season and the first for our new Northumberland Minor Hockey League.

As of right now we have almost enough players for seven teams in Novice. I won't know for sure how many teams until a little later on. Each team must have a head coach and a trainer as a minimum, so I am looking for volunteers to step up.  If you have previously put on paperwork or told someone you could coach please reply to this email and let me know the contact info you would like me to use as well as the position you would like to hold. There is a coaches course in Port Hope on Sep 27, 15 and the trainer course can be completed online. The NMHA will reimburse your course fees once you are rostered to a team. I need to have all bench staff positions filled before Oct. 6 so I can present and get approval from the executive. I will be emailing all volunteers as soon as I have your responses.

Our evaluation skates will take place this Saturday, Sep 19th at the Memorial arena, and this Sunday, Sep 20th at the CCC Bowl.  Players will attend based on the first letter of their last name as follows:

Saturday, Sept 20th
A to D  - 1:30 pm
E to Mc - 2:30 pm 
Md to Z - 3:30 pm

Sunday, Sept 21st
A to D  - 9:00 am
E to Mc - 9:35 am 
Md to Z - 10:10 am

If your child is a goalie, please let me know right away so I know how many we have and I can coordinate a goalie or two for each evaluation session. Goalies may not be skating in the group based on their last name.

Any questions or concerns, feel free to give me a shout.

Angela Wood
NMHA Novice House League Governor

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